Zveme na webinář ALAI Kanada
Dear Members and friends of ALAI Canada,
It is with pleasure that we invite you to register for the next ALAI Canada conference.
Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law
Activity run in FRENCH
Thursday, March 17, 2022 from noon to 1:00 PM (Montreal time)
1:00 of Continuing Legal Education.
Costs (taxes not included):
• 25,00 $ for members of ALAI Canada and other national groups of ALAI
The relationship between copyright law and artificial intelligence did not need to be the focus of a federal consultation in 2021 to be the hot topic about which so many copyright specialists around the world like to debate. Our panelists, an academic expert on the issue and the Executive Vice-President of one of the largest research centres on artificial intelligence which happens to be based in Montreal, will talk about the state of the art in this field under the guidance of the director of the Digital Law Centre in Switzerland.
• Prof. Céline Castets-Renard, University of Ottawa
• Me Stéphane Létourneau, MILA
• Prof. Jacques de Werra, Université de Genève
Rudolf Leška, 11. 3. 2022
Provozovatelem těchto stránek je ALAI Česká republika, Apolinářská 445/6, 128 00 Praha, IČ: 01603671. Obsah těchto stránek je předmětem práva autorského a bez svolení provozovatele stránek jej nelze dále šířit. Provozovatel neodpovídá za obsah stránek třetích osob, na které na svých stránkách odkazuje. Vstup pro členy.